1818 of Society Japan Chapter 1818 Society Japan Chapter (JC)
Inauguration Meeting Held on March 24th, 2007 in Tokyo


JC has been officially launched on April 1st, 2007 after having its inauguration meeting held on March 24th, 2007 in Tokyo.
JC is first Asian Chapter after following UK, Netherlands, France,Germany, Chile and Florida.
JC has modified its membership rules in order to fit to Japanese common employment system, so called ^life time employment system ̄ after consultation with 1818 Society Executives in Washington.
As a good effect of new membership rules, JC could have started with 101 members at the time of the inauguration meeting.

In the inauguration meeting, the objective of the JC has been approved to contribute to realize peace and democracy through the development and reconstruction of the world by deepening the collaboration between members and 1818 Society Washington Headquarter, 1818 Society Chapters, and The World Bank Group as well as to promote the friendship among the members.
More specifically, JC takes part in fighting for a world free poverty in various fields in the future taking advantage of the knowledge and experience which were fostered through the exchange between members in World Bank Group, and what the should be, must be a unique Retirees Association aiming at continuing activities towards the peace in the world and realization of democracy has been confirmed at the first annual meeting.
On behalf of 1818 Society of the Washington headquarter, President Adrienne Nassau and the 60+ members attended to the inauguration meeting. Mr. Yoshio Terasawa, former Executive Vice President of MIGA living in Australia, former Vice-President in charge of Co-financing Koji Kashiwaya living in Singapore and Madagascar Ambassador to Japan Jocelyn B. RADIFERA who had been served for the World Bank for long time were attended and it became the first general meeting of rich internationality.
The congratulatory address of the Naoyuki Shinohara, Director General International Bureau, Ministry of Finance Japan, President of 1818 Society Adrienne Nassau were delivered. After the commemoration lecture of Professor Sadao Nagaoka, Director Innovation Institute the Hitotsubashi university, 12 Board members including honorary chairman Yoriko Kawaguchi, currently upper parliament member (Former Minister of Foreign affairs and Minister of Emvironment and JP president Masayoshi Takahashi (Industry Dept, Latin America and Asia Technical Depatment in the Bank and currently in Human sciences Institute Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto), future actions and goals, annual budget in 2007 were approved.
Particularly, JC¨s core activities will be focused on the following five objectives:


  1. To promote 1818 Society activities in Japan and from a Japanese perspective. The Chapter will encourage social and professional contacts among members of The Society in Japan.
    It will also encourage purposeful and tangible contacts with Chapters in other countries and their members.
  2. To conduct studies on the history of collaboration between Japan and the World Bank Group and to publish the most significant of these studies. Emphasis will be given to cooperation on such topics as peace building, humanitarian aid, global issues (e.g., environmental conservation and sustainable development), human resource development, and intellectual exchanges. The studies will record and analyze the history of those activities and their results, both tangible and intangible.
  3. To organize meetings from time to time that will consider issues of Development Strategy, ways to mobilize greater Public Support for development assistance, and programs to encourage the Full Utilization and Exchange of the professionalism, experience, and intellectual interests among Chapter members.
  4. To advocate and support in continuous and systematic ways an appropriate number and level of responsibility of Japanese personnel working in the World Bank Group.
  5. To undertake selected Social Service and Philanthropic activities, especially projects that contribute to world development. Organization and fund-raising for these projects will be on a voluntary basis, utilizing members¨ personal contacts and relationships.

